New York Probation Lawyer

Defense for People Accused of Violating Probation or Parole

A probation violation takes place when an individual on parole fails to comply with the stipulated terms of their probation. The designated probation officer is responsible for monitoring adherence to these conditions. In the event of a violation, the judge will be informed, and a hearing will be arranged to reassess the penalties imposed on the parolee.

Once an individual has been arrested and accused of violating parole, they cannot be released from custody until the allegations have been resolved through a hearing. Unfortunately, legal provisions allow the Division of Parole to postpone this hearing for up to 90 days. Unless the Division decides to withdraw the charges, the individual will remain incarcerated for a minimum of 90 days, even if they prevail at the hearing. Prompt and critical decisions must be made following an arrest for a parole violation. It is essential to engage a knowledgeable and assertive criminal defense attorney immediately to assist in navigating these decisions and safeguard your future.

Speak to Criminal Defense Attorney Michael D. Horn Today

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My goal is to ensure that your constitutional rights are respected, every possible defense is investigated and all avenues of mitigation or justification are presented in your case

New York Probation Attorney

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Protecting Your Future

“Mr. Horn is an absolute gem to work with. His balance of professionalism and compassion make him stand out from many other criminal defense lawyers in New York. He exuded patience and kindness throughout my whole experience. He went above and beyond to keep me informed and he was persistent in helping me resolve my legal matters in a timely fashion. I will forever be grateful I had Mr. Horn on my side during an incredibly difficult time.”

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If you have questions about a pending case or think you might need to hire a criminal defense attorney please don’t delay. Call and find out what you need to do to protect your rights.

Call 718-777-7717